Tag Archives: Los Angeles Times

27-year veteran LAPD Gang and Narcotics detective charged with grand theft


27-year veteran detective Ramon Alvarez of the Los Angeles Police Department Gang and Narcotics Division was arrested Friday and charged with grand theft upon him serving an arrest warrant at a suspected narcotics location when a fellow detective witnessed Alvarez take money from said site, according to a statement released by the LAPD.

The detective that witnessed Alvarez take money from the site immediately notified his supervisor, and Alvarez’s official vehicle was searched. Money that was believed to belong to the narcotics suspect was found inside Alvarez’s vehicle, according to the LAPD statement. LAPD’s Internal Affairs Criminal Investigation Division then arrested Alvarez for grand theft.

“I am extremely disturbed and shocked by the arrest, but heartened by the actions of the detective who immediately reported what appeared to be criminal behavior,” said Police Chief Charlie Beck in a report in the Los Angeles Times.

Bail was set at $20,000 and Alvarez was placed on administrative leave, pending the outcome of the criminal investigation, as well as the outcome of an administrative investigation.

“The arrest of an LAPD officer and a classmate is shocking and very disappointing,” said Tyler Izen, President of the Los Angeles Police Protective League in the Los Angeles Times report. “We expect law enforcement officers to hold themselves to the highest moral standards in their professional and personal lives, making the news doubly upsetting.”

Read the original article at Allvoices.

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President Obama’s Abrupt Announcement to Address the Nation

LOS ANGELES | May 1, 2011

President Obama will address the nation at 10:30 p.m. Eastern time Sunday, the White House said, 7:30 PDT, or basically, the moment this report is published.

The announcement was abruptly made after the White House had declared a “lid,” meaning no other news would be forthcoming for the remainder of the day.

It is unclear at present as to what the president would be addressing. A White House official declined to comment further according to a report in the Los Angeles Times.

UPDATE: 9:30 p.m. PDT

President Barack Obama has announced that Osama bin Laden was killed by a US military operation in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

Read the original report at:President Obama Abruptly Announces An Address To The Nation

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Anesthesiologist Concludes Impossible For Michael Jackson to Swallow Propofol

LOS ANGELES | April 30, 2011

A motion to continue will be heard on Monday said Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor on the Michael Jackson matter as the attorneys for Dr. Conrad Murray asked for a delay in the trial on charges of involuntary manslaughter, claiming that new scientific theories presented by the prosecution witnesses the day before the trial have left them in need of further preparation.

The judge noted the time and expense the trial has already taken stating that the trial has cost “funds in excess of six figures,” and that numerous cases have had to be rescheduled.

Murray’s attorneys said they needed more time because of new medical expert reports turned over by prosecutors. "In one of those reports, Dr. Steven Shafer, an anesthesiologist, concluded that it was impossible for Michael Jackson to have swallowed the fatal dose of the powerful anesthetic Propofol, attorneys told the judge," according to a report in the Los Angeles Times.

The statement by the anesthesiologist directly contradicts the defense version as to the events leading up to the death of Michael Jackson. The defense claim that Michael Jackson was desperate for sleep so that he could be ready for rehearsals for his comeback tour and drank or injected himself with the drug while Murray was out of the room.

Read the entire article at:

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