Tag Archives: Technology

Evernote Web Rids Clutter From One Freelance Writer’s Computer

As a freelance writer covering news reports and other topics of interest, attempting to maintain organization and having some method to the madness of endless file creation in Word to document work product and creating a naming convention to even save the files can be a daunting task.  Without the appropriate tools and naming conventions in place, a My Documents folder can quickly become overrun.  Unless a freelance writer can afford to purchase a document manager or has an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder for organization, chances are, the hard-drive of the writer’s computer, laptop and/or tablet will quickly become full of badly named files making the folder where the documents are saved look cluttered.


For the sake of argument with regard to cluttered folders, documents are easily filtered by date or name, and there is always the search bar to look for those reports where the report’s file name is forgotten.  However, for out-of-the-box thinkers who question life’s daily processes, there can be a better way.  And there is.

Evernote Web, an application from Evernote which is Microsoft One Notes’ free and evil twin, the application you may have seen if you have a tablet computer or an iPhone, Android phone or even a BlackBerry, has been incorporated into Google’s Chrome web browser as an application available in the Chrome Web Store where one can install the app to the browser, register for a free account and save notes directly to the account in the cloud.

One author said about Evernote Web “I used to think the application was stupid.  I had the Microsoft Office Suite installed on my laptop computer and thought ‘Oh great.  Another freebie One Note note taking and picture clipping application.’  Which basically translated into a useless app I really didn’t need.  Then, I discovered Evernote Web in the Chrome Web store, installed it to my Chrome browser, and now everything that I write as a freelance writer that gets published, upon publication I go to the published article in Chrome, click on the Evernote Web Icon in the toolbar area and click which automatically names the note in Evernote, then I scroll down to the down button beside the icon that says Clip Article to change it to Clip Full Page, and I have a nice ‘note’ or “webclip’ of the full page of where my article was published nicely organized in the cloud according to the date I saved the note.  No longer do I have to save countless files into My Documents as Word files.  They are neatly saved to my account in the cloud as ‘notes.’  An example of the result of Clip Full Page can be found by clicking here.”

The organization that can be had by using Evernote Web was an epiphany and one author is forever appreciative of the application’s developers.

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Endeavour Astronauts To Begin Installation of Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer

The United States space shuttle Endeavour lifted off from Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Monday and the crew on Wednesday begin a nearly two-week mission aboard the International Space Station, where the six astronauts, 5 American and 1 Italian led by astonaut Mark Kelly, will begin on Thursday the installation of the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, a $2bn device designed to search for anti-matter and dark matter particles that scientists say could help explain how the universe was formed.

Endeavour docked with the orbiting laboratory Wednesday as part of the shuttle’s final space journey for which NASA says the docking went smoothly. Upon docking, the Endeavour crew were warmly greeted by the space station’s six other occupants.
According to a report in the Voice of America, the Endeavour astronauts will unload spare parts for the space station and conduct four spacewalks, the first of which is scheduled for Friday.
On Monday, three of the six other astronauts on the space station will climb into a Russian Soyuz capsule to return to Earth after a five-month stay.

Read the entire article at:

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9th Circuit Court of Appeals End Winklevosses Claims to Facebook Fortune

SAN FRANCISCO | 11 April 2011

Winklevosses and ZuckerbergTyler and Cameron Winklevoss, the twin brothers that hired Mark Zuckerberg to code their idea of ConnectU into a website in 2003 appealed to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals this January to re-open a $65m legal settlement signed in 2008 with Facebook, a request that was denied at the District Court the brothers then felt compelled to appeal earlier this year. On Monday, the United States 9th Circuit Court of Appeals accordingly ruled that the Winklevosses who say Facebook was stolen from them by Mark Zuckerberg in 2003 when he was hired to code ConnectU and later used the code in 2004 to launch Facebook cannot back out of a deal they willingly made and entered into with the website and affirmed the District Court’s position.

The appeals court said there was no reason to re-open their case against Facebook, further stating that "[t]he Winklevosses are not the first parties bested by a competitor who then seek to gain through litigation what they were unable to achieve in the marketplace," the three Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals judges said in the ruling. "At some point, litigation must come to an end. That point has now been reached." the judges concluded.


Facebook agreed to a settlement to end "rancorous litigation" in 2008 but did not admit Mark Zuckerberg had stolen the idea. In exchange for acceptance of the offer of settlement, the Winklevosses received $20m in cash and $45m worth of stock valued at $36 per share in Facebook.

"For whatever reason, they now want to back out… Like the district court, we see no basis for allowing them to do so," the appeals court judges said, referring to the settlement deal.

Read the entire article and more about the Facebook Fortune at: 9th Circuit Court of Appeals End Winklevosses Claims to Facebook Fortune

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